Statement of Authenticity

I am very proud of the work I have on my website. It takes time to research different subjects, study various topics, interview diverse people, and create something worth reading. I take a lot of pride in doing this the right way.

All of the things I write about are original thoughts, thoughts from others, original thoughts inspired by others, or direct quotes from others. I never want to be the guy who tries to claim ideas as my own if they did not originate with me. I recently read an article that discussed retaining knowledge from the books you read and the author touched on the subject of original work:

"We’ve been recording knowledge in books for a long time. That means there’s not a lot that’s new; it’s just recycled old knowledge. Even Nassim Taleb, author of Antifragile, points out that several ancient philosophers grasped the concept of antifragility. Odds are that no matter what you’re working on, someone somewhere, who is smarter than you, has probably thought about your problem and put it into a book."

Many of the ideas on my website and much of the information I speak about have been inspired by people a lot smarter than me, more credible than me, and more widely well-known than me. Some of these great thinkers include James Clear, Shane Parrish, Alan Stein Jr, Charles Duhigg, and BJ Fogg. Of course there are many, many others, but whenever you thank/credit everyone, you really are thanking/crediting no one.

Being genuine, authentic and honest are attributes that really matter to me. I hope that if you read something familiar in one of my articles or hear a quote that sounds like something you've heard before, know that it could be an original thought from myself or an original thought of someone else. To avoid having articles with clicks and links everywhere, I try to synthesize information, cite particular sources and highlight the people who inspired the words I write.

My aim is for full transparency here, my hope is that you can identify that, and my goal (for all of us) is that we can keep learning, growing and improving continuously.